Executive Assessment Sample Questions

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Many people preparing for, or thinking about preparing for, the Executive Assessment (EA) seek out sample Executive Assessment questions with which to practice. If you’d like to have some fun solving some Executive Assessment test sample questions, you’ve come to the right place. 

Executive Assessment Sample Questions

In this article, we’ve selected 10 sample Executive Assessment questions from the Target Test Prep Executive Assessment Prep Course. These questions will help you gain a better understanding of what is tested on the EA, get some practice with realistic EA practice test questions, develop familiarity with the questions, and improve your EA-related logical reasoning skills.

After all, when it comes to preparing for the Executive Assessment test, proper practice makes perfect.

There are a few things to keep in mind as you solve these questions.

First, although most of these questions are easy- and medium-level, if you’re just starting your EA journey, some of the questions might seem hard to you. That’s OK! With proper preparation, you can get yourself to a point at which EA test questions become second nature.

Second, these are just an assorted sample of EA questions. Regardless of whether you’re just starting out or have been studying for some time, the way you should be studying for the EA is by taking a topic-by-topic approach, in which you master one topic before you move on to another. So, let these sample Executive Assessment questions serve as a starting point, but keep in mind that simply completing random practice will not be sufficient for your EA prep. 


Study for the EA by taking a topic-by-topic approach in which you master one topic before you move on to another.

Now, let’s review what each section of the EA is and complete some practice questions like the ones you’ll see in each section.

The Quantitative Reasoning Section of the Executive Assessment

The Quantitative Reasoning portion of the EA tests how well test-takers are prepared to handle the quantitative coursework that they’ll encounter in EMBA programs and other specialized graduate business programs. In other words, your score on the Quantitative Reasoning section of the EA will help business schools assess your readiness to handle the rigors of their programs.

The following major topic areas are tested on the quant section of the EA.

Arithmetic Topics

  • Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
  • Real Numbers
  • Integer Properties
  • Roots and Powers
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Set Theory
  • Methods of Counting
  • Probability
  • Statistics

Algebra Topics

  • Linear Equations
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Exponents
  • Inequalities
  • Absolute Values
  • Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
  • Solving Linear Equations with One Variable
  • Solving Two Linear Equations with Two Variables
  • Solving Equations by Factoring
  • Solving Quadratic Equations

There Are Two Question Types on the Quant Section of the EA

Test-takers will encounter two types of Quantitative Reasoning questions on the EA:

  • Problem Solving questions
  • Data Sufficiency questions

On the Executive Assessment, Problem Solving questions consist of a question stem followed by five answer choices. Our job on these questions is to choose one correct answer.

On Data Sufficiency questions, we’ll be presented with a question followed by two statements providing further information about the question. Our job is to determine whether we have enough information to answer the given question.

Let’s try some sample questions of each type.

Executive Assessment Quant Sample Question #1 (Problem Solving)

Abba is four times as old as Mabel. Ten years ago, Abba was nine times as old as Mabel. How old is Mabel today?

  • 4
  • 16
  • 20
  • 48
  • 64


Let’s first define their present-day ages.

Let A = Abba’s age today and M = Mabel’s age today.

Next, let’s define their ages 10 years ago:

A – 10 = Abba’s age 10 years ago and M – 10 = Mabel’s age 10 years ago.

Next, we organize the above information into a matrix.

Age TodayAge 10 Years Ago
AbbaAA – 10
MabelMM – 10

Now we can translate some of the information in the question stem into equations.

Since Abba is four times as old as Mabel, we create our first equation as the following:

A = 4M

Since, 10 years ago, Abba was nine times as old as Mabel, we create our second equation as the following:

A – 10 = 9(M – 10)

A – 10 = 9M – 90

A = 9M – 80

Since A = 4M, we can substitute 4M for H in the second equation, and we have the following:

4m = 9M – 80

5M = 80

M = 16

Mabel’s present age is 16.

Answer: B

Notice that this first Executive Assessment sample quant question tests our ability to to carefully read a word problem, translate words to equations, organize information, and solve basic algebraic equations.

Let’s try another.

Executive Assessment Quant Sample Question #2 (Problem Solving)

A sum of $10,000 is invested in an account that pays 4% annual interest, compounded semiannually. What is the value of the investment after one year?

  • $10,124
  • $10,204
  • $10,400
  • $10,404
  • $10,800


Let’s first determine the amount of interest earned each interest period. Since there are two interest periods per year, the interest earned each period is 4%/2 = 2% = 0.02. Let’s now calculate the interest earned in the first interest period:

10,000 x 0.02 = $200

Thus, the value of the investment after the first interest period is 10,000 + 200 = $10,200.

Next, let’s determine the interest earned in the second interest period:

10,200 x 0.02

To determine the product of 10,200 and 0.02, we temporarily remove the decimals while doing the multiplication:

10,200 x 2 = 20,400

Bringing the two decimal places back to the product, we have 204.

Thus, the value of the investment after one year is 10,200 + 204 = $10,404.

Answer: D

Notice that this second Executive Assessment sample quant question tests our skills in solving questions dealing with simple interest, a topic that is frequently tested on the EA. 


Simple interest is a topic that is frequently tested in the quant portion of the EA.

Executive Assessment Quant Sample Question #3 (Problem Solving)

43(16) + 32(16) + 21(16) + 10(16) – 6(16) is equal to which of the following?

  • 1,000
  • 1,200
  • 1,400
  • 1,600
  • 1,800


We see that 16 is the common factor in all five of the products; thus, 16 can be factored out.

43 × 16 + 32 × 16 + 21 × 16 + 10 × 16 – 6 × 16

(43 + 32 + 21 + 10 – 6) × 16

100 × 16


Answer: D

This third Executive Assessment sample quant question tests our ability to come up with an efficient, creative solution to what appears to be a time-consuming arithmetic problem. Come test day, it will be important for you to be fast and efficient in solving the quant questions you face.

Executive Assessment Quant Sample Question #4 (Problem Solving)

One million percent of y is equal to which of the following?

  • 1,000,000y
  • 100,000y
  • 10,000y
  • 1,000y
  • 100y


We know that “percent” literally means “per 100.” In other words, “percent” means “divide by 100.”

Let’s translate this expression into an equation: “One million percent of y” can be translated to

1,000,000/100 * y

This can be reduced to 10,000y.

Answer: C

This fourth Executive Assessment sample quant question tests our conceptual understanding of what “percent” means. Percents are one of the most commonly tested math topics on the EA. 


Percents are one of the most commonly tested math topics on the EA.

Executive Assessment Quant Sample Question #5 (Problem Solving)

If set S = {x, 4, 3, 12, 11, 10, 10}, which of the following is the median of set S?

  • 3
  • 5
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12


Let’s begin by putting the set in numerical order: {3, 4, 10, 10, 11, 12}.

We do not know where to place x, but by experimenting with values of x, we can see that knowing the actual value of x is unnecessary for us to calculate the median.

For example, if x = 1, we would have {1, 3, 4, 10, 10, 11, 12}. In an odd set of numbers, the median is the middle number in the set, and thus here the median would be 10.

What if x = 2? We can see that the median would not change: {2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 11, 12}; the middle number would still be 10.

What if x = 10? We would have {3, 4, 10, 10, 10, 11, 12}, and the median would still be 10.

What if x = 11? We would have {3, 4, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12}, and the median would still be 10.

Interestingly, let x equal any number, say 55; the set {3, 4, 10, 10, 11, 12, 55} would still have a median of 10, since 10 would still be the middle value in the set.

Answer: C

Notice that this fifth Executive Assessment sample quant question tests our ability to work the median, which as we saw sometimes creates some interesting scenarios that are commonly tested.

Executive Assessment Quant Sample Question #6 (Data Sufficiency)

If x and y are digits, what is the value of the digit in the hundredths place of 7.xy?

  1. If 7.xy were rounded to the nearest tenth, the new number would be 7.2.
  2. If 7.xy were rounded to the nearest whole number, the new number would be 7.


Question Stem Analysis:

For the number 7.xy, we need to determine the digit in the hundredths place (the value of y).

Statement One Alone:

If 7.xy were rounded to the nearest tenth, the new number would be 7.2.

Because we don’t know the value of 7.xy, we don’t know the value of y. For example, 7.xy could be 7.24, since 7.24 rounded to the nearest tenth is 7.2. But 7.xy also could be 7.19, since 7.19 rounded to the nearest tenth is 7.2. Because we’ve found two different possible values for the digit in the hundredths place of 7.xy, both of which satisfy statement one, statement one alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

Eliminate answer choices A and D.

Statement Two Alone:

If 7.xy were rounded to the nearest whole number, the new number would be 7.

This information tells us that x is less than 5. However, this information does not tell us anything about y. For example, 7.xy could be 7.15, or it could be 7.26. In both cases, when rounded to the nearest units digit, the number becomes 7. Statement two alone is not sufficient to determine the value of y.

Eliminate answer choice B.

Statements One and Two Together:

Both statements together do not provide us with any additional information to determine the value of y. 7.xy could be any number from 7.15 to 7.24, inclusive. All of these numbers would round to 7.2 if rounded to the nearest tenth and would round to 7 if rounded to the nearest unit.

Answer: E

This sixth Executive Assessment sample quant question is a Data Sufficiency question. On test day, you can expect about one third of the quant questions you see to be Data Sufficiency questions. Although these Data Sufficiency questions might look scary at first, with time and proper practice you’ll be able to master this question type. 


About one third of the quant questions you see on the EA will be Data Sufficiency questions.

Some Additional Executive Assessment Sample Quant Questions

If you’d like to practice with some more Executive Assessment sample quant questions, we’ve got some more ready for you:

Additional Data Sufficiency sample questions

Let’s now discuss the Verbal Reasoning portion of the EA.

The Verbal Reasoning Section of the Executive Assessment

The Verbal Reasoning portion of the EA tests how well test-takers are prepared to handle the non-quantitative coursework that they’ll encounter in EMBA programs and other specialized graduate business programs. Because skills such as grammar, critical thinking, reading comprehension, and effective writing are essential to the success of students in graduate business programs, these skills are tested on the Verbal Reasoning section of the EA.

Because skills, such as grammar, critical thinking, reading comprehension, and effective writing are essential to the success of students in graduate business programs, these skills are tested on the Verbal Reasoning section of the EA.

On the EA, you’ll see Sentence Correction, Critical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension questions.

Let’s take a look at some same Executive Assessment Verbal Reasoning questions.

Executive Assessment Verbal Sample Question #1 (Critical Reasoning)

Homeowners Association Member: Some members of our community have expressed concerns about the number of mice living here. Mice are repelled by cayenne pepper. Therefore, if we all place cayenne pepper around the foundations of our houses, we will certainly reduce the number of mice in our community.

Which of the following, if true, is an assumption upon which the above argument depends?

  • Mice carry and transmit more diseases than are carried and transmitted by other types of rodents.
  • Mice would not become ill if they were to eat cayenne pepper placed around the foundation of a house.
  • There are more mice living in the community in question than there were a few years ago.
  • Predators, which are necessary for keeping mouse populations controlled, would not completely avoid an area with a scent of cayenne pepper.
  • Cayenne pepper repels not only mice but also ants.


The homeowners association member is proposing a plan. What plan? To place cayenne pepper around foundations of houses.

The goal of the plan is to reduce the number of mice in the community.

Has she considered the plan well? Is there some way that the plan might result in the problem it is meant to solve or a similar problem? Might placing cayenne pepper around houses actually result in an increase in the number of mice?

(A) Incorrect. Notice that the conclusion is not that reducing the number of mice in the community is important for some reason, such as that mice carry and transmit diseases.

The conclusion is that, by placing cayenne pepper around the foundations of houses, people in the community will reduce the number of mice in the community. In other words, the conclusion is simply that the plan for reducing the number of mice in the community will work.

Of course, the plan could work regardless of whether mice carry more diseases than other rodents carry.

So, what this choice says is not an assumption upon which the argument relies.

(B) Incorrect. The conclusion of the argument is that, by placing cayenne pepper around the foundations of their houses, people will reduce the number of mice in their community.

The evidence used is that mice are repelled by cayenne pepper. In other words, the evidence is that mice don’t like cayenne pepper and avoid it.

Could the plan work even if mice WOULD become ill if they were to eat the cayenne pepper?

Common sense tells us that mice would not eat the pepper, and that, even if they did, for some insane reason, eat the pepper and become ill, they would continue to be repelled by cayenne pepper, in which case the plan could work.

So, the argument does not depend on the assumption that mice WOULD NOT become ill if they were to eat the cayenne pepper placed around a house.

(C) Incorrect. The conclusion is simply that the plan for reducing the number of mice in the community will work.

Placing cayenne pepper around the foundations of houses could result in a reduction in the number of mice in the community regardless of whether there are more, fewer, or just as many mice as there were in the community a few years ago. In other words, the number of mice present does not affect whether mice in general are repelled by cayenne pepper.

So, arriving at the conclusion that the plan will work does not require assuming that there are more mice in the community than there were a few years ago.

(D) Correct. As you now know, one common assumption that authors typically make is that a plan to solve a problem will not itself result in the same problem in a new way.

In this case, the homeowners association member assumes that placing cayenne pepper around the foundations of houses will not somehow exacerbate the mouse issue. After all, if placing cayenne pepper around the foundations of houses would somehow result in an increase in the number of mice, then the argument would fall apart.

So, imagine if predators, which are necessary for keeping mouse populations controlled, WOULD completely avoid an area with a scent of cayenne pepper? In that case, the plan to solve the problem would itself cause the same problem in a new way because, without the predators, which are necessary for keeping mouse populations controlled, the mouse population would be uncontrolled. The argument would fall apart.

Therefore, the author must assume that predators, which are necessary for keeping mouse populations controlled, would NOT completely avoid an area with a scent of cayenne pepper.

(E) Incorrect. The author’s conclusion is that “if we all place cayenne pepper around the foundations of our houses, we will certainly reduce the number of mice in our community.”

Notice that this conclusion, and the argument in general, is completely about reducing the number of mice in the community, and that the plan for reducing the number of mice could work regardless of whether cayenne pepper repels ants.

Therefore, the author does not need to assume that cayenne pepper repels not only mice but also ants.

Answer: D

We see that this Executive Assessment sample verbal question is an Assumption Critical Reasoning question. Among all Critical Reasoning questions, Assumption questions are one of the most common question types you’ll see on the EA. 


Assumption questions are one of the most common types of Critical Reasoning questions on the EA.

Executive Assessment Verbal Sample Question #2 (Critical Reasoning)

Although campfires are illegal in Aurora Falls National Park, campfires often start forest fires in the park. Tomorrow, park rangers will begin using aerial drones that detect campfires and relay coordinates of campfire locations to park rangers, who will go to and extinguish the campfires. Surely, going forward, only rarely will campfires start forest fires in the park.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?

  • Aurora Falls National Park has provided its rangers with extensive training in the safe operation of aerial drones as well as in the best practices in campfire extinguishment.
  • A significant percentage of the forest fires that occur in Aurora Falls National park are not started by campfires.
  • Statistics compiled by Aurora Falls National Park rangers show that forest fires started by campfires have been responsible for the destruction of thousands of acres of park property.
  • Because of Aurora Falls National Park’s large size, park rangers require 30 minutes on average to reach most park locations, during which time campfire sparks can easily start forest fires.
  • The aerial drones utilize advanced heat sensors that some militaries deploy on satellites used to detect the launch of surface-based missiles.


Background: Although campfires are illegal in Aurora Falls National Park, campfires often start forest fires in the park.

Premise: Tomorrow, park rangers will begin using aerial drones that detect campfires and relay coordinates of campfire locations to park rangers, who will go to and extinguish the campfires.

Conclusion: Surely, going forward, only rarely will campfires start forest fires in the park.

Notice that this question is clearly a Weaken the Argument question, because the question stem asks, “Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?”

The author has presented a plan. Any time an author presents a plan, she assumes that the plan will work. In other words, she assumes that there are not variables that exist that will spoil the plan. In the TTP Course, we refer to such variables as “malicious variables.” When an author presents a plan, she assumes that there are no malicious variables.

What has the author failed to consider? What malicious variable has gone unnoticed?

(A) Incorrect. What this answer choice says strengthens the argument.

If Aurora Falls National Park has provided its rangers with extensive training in the safe operation of aerial drones as well as in the best practices in campfire extinguishment, then the rangers have some important training related to the plan presented in the argument. That fact makes it likely that the plan will be successful.

Of course, we’re not seeking a strengthener. We’re seeking an answer choice that weakens the argument.

(B) Incorrect. Notice that the conclusion of the argument is not that, in general, forest fires will rarely occur in the park. It’s that, going forward, only rarely will campfires start forest fires in the park.

So, the fact that a significant percentage of the forest fires that occur in Aurora Falls National park are not started by campfires does not affect the support for the conclusion at all, because even if things other than campfires start forest fires in the park, the evidence presented still supports the conclusion, which is specifically about forest fires started by campfires.

So, this choice has no effect on the support for the conclusion.

(C) Incorrect. The conclusion is simply that, going forward, only rarely will campfires start forest fires in the park.

Our job in answering the question is to weaken the support for that conclusion.

This choice tells us how much destruction forest fires caused by campfires have caused in the past. Does that information indicate that putting out campfires won’t prevent them from starting forest fires “going forward”? Of course not. No matter how much destruction campfires have caused in the past, putting them out could prevent them from causing forest fires in the future.

So, what this answer choice says does not affect the support for the conclusion or weaken the argument at all.

(D) Correct. What this answer choice says certainly weakens the argument.

The argument’s conclusion is that, going forward, only rarely will campfires start forest fires in the park.

So, imagine that one of the drones spots a campfire, and a park ranger mobilizes to get to that location. If, as this choice says, park rangers require 30 minutes on average to reach most park locations, during which time campfire sparks can easily start forest fires, then a campfire could easily start a forest fire prior to the ranger’s reaching the campfire.

So, this choice provides a good reason to question whether the plan will work. Notice also that this answer choice presents a malicious variable that the author has failed to consider.

(E) Incorrect. If anything, what this answer choice says strengthens the argument.

After all, if the thermal cameras on the aerial drones utilize advanced heat sensors that some militaries deploy on satellites used to detect the launch of surface-based missiles, then these heat sensors must be pretty sophisticated. If the heat sensors are sophisticated, then the aerial drones equipped with these thermal cameras would likely do a good job of detecting campfires in the park. Therefore, given what this choice says, we have more conviction that the plan will work.

Of course, in answering this question, we’re not seeking a strengthener; we need to weaken the argument.

Answer: D

We see that this Executive Assessment sample verbal question is a Weaken the Argument type Critical Reasoning question. Among all Critical Reasoning questions, Weaken the Argument questions are probably the most common question type you’ll see on the EA, so you’ll want to be sure to master these questions.


Be sure to master Weaken the Argument questions, since they are probably the most common CR question type on the EA.

Executive Assessment Verbal Sample Question #3 (Critical Reasoning)

Dolphins have been observed swimming at speeds in excess of 50 kilometers per hour in ocean water. However, when biologists analyze the muscles of dolphins, all agree that dolphins do not have sufficient muscle mass to generate enough energy to propel their bodies at 50 kilometers per hour through water.

Which of the following, if true, resolves the apparent paradox described above?

  • Dolphins can ride waves, utilizing the waves’ energies to propel themselves through water.
  • When dolphins swim at their maximum speeds, they can readily catch fast moving fish and squid, which are staple foods in dolphins’ diets.
  • Scientists have determined that sharks of some species generate enough energy to swim at speeds in excess of 50 kilometers per hour in ocean water.
  • Dolphins have been observed swimming at speeds far lower than 50 kilometers per hour in ocean water.
  • Dolphins navigate through ocean water using echolocation, a process involving emitting and receiving sound waves, allowing them to accurately map their surroundings.


Fact 1: Dolphins have been observed swimming at speeds in excess of 50 kilometers per hour in ocean water.

Fact 2: However, when biologists analyze the muscles of dolphins, all agree that dolphins do not have sufficient muscle mass to generate enough energy to propel their bodies at 50 kilometers per hour through water.

Think about it. Dolphins have been observed swimming at speeds in excess of the speeds one would expect them to be able to achieve given their muscle mass.

What could explain this peculiar situation? What information would resolve this apparent paradox?

(A) Correct. What this answer choice says resolves the apparent paradox.

If dolphins can ride waves, utilizing the waves’ energies to propel themselves through water, then this fact would explain why dolphins have been observed swimming at speeds in excess of 50 kilometers per hour in ocean water, even though their own bodies can’t produce enough power for them to reach those speeds.

Imagine, for example, that a dolphin is swimming at, let’s say, 25 kilometers per hour and riding a wave moving at 25 kilometers per hour. In this case, the dolphin could be moving through the ocean at 50 kilometers per hour.

We see that there is no paradox after all. Dolphins ride waves to make use of power that they cannot produce on their own.

(B) Incorrect. Notice that this choice explains the wrong thing.

This choice may explain why dolphins swim so fast: maybe they swim fast to catch fast moving fish and squid.

Of course, in answering this question, we’re not seeking to explain why they swim that fast. Rather, we’re seeking to explain how they swim that fast.

(C) Incorrect. We’re seeking to explain how dolphins can travel more than 50 kilometers per hour through the ocean despite the fact their bodies can’t produce energy sufficient for them to reach such speeds.

What this answer choice says, that scientists have determined that sharks of some species generate enough energy to swim at speeds in excess of 50 kilometers per hour in ocean water, can’t help us resolve the paradox because it doesn’t change what we know about dolphins.

Given that this answer choice says, we’re still wondering how dolphins reach speeds in excess of 50 kilometers per hour in the ocean.

(D) Incorrect. The fact that dolphins have been observed swimming at speeds far lower than 50 kilometers per hour in ocean water does not help us explain how dolphins have been observed moving at speeds in excess of 50 kilometers per hour in the ocean.

OK, so they don’t always swim faster than 50 kilometers per hour. That fact does not change the fact that we have to explain that sometimes dolphins do swim at speeds greater than 50 kilometers per hour.

We can’t resolve a paradox by showing that not all situations are characterized by the paradox that we have to explain.

(E) Incorrect. What this choice says explains the wrong thing.

What it says may explain how dolphins navigate effectively while moving at high speeds: maybe they use echolocation to navigate effectively at high speeds.

However, it does not explain how dolphins move at speeds in excess of 50 mph in the ocean.

Answer: A

This Executive Assessment sample question was a Resolve the Paradox type Critical Reasoning question. These Resolve the Paradox questions are also among the most commonly tested CR question types. 


Resolve the Paradox questions are among the most commonly tested CR question types.

Executive Assessment Verbal Sample Question #4 (Sentence Correction)

Ostriches are able to run fast for very long distances, but they are able to escape predators such as hyenas that normally catch prey by exhausting the prey.

  • Ostriches are able to run fast for very long distances, but they are
  • Because ostriches are able to run fast for very long distances, it is
  • To be able to run fast for very long distances, ostriches are
  • An ostrich, able to run fast for very long distances, are
  • Since it is able to run fast for very long distances, the ostrich is


Some of the incorrect versions of the sentence in this question are clearly grammatically flawed. However, other incorrect versions are grammatically perfect and are incorrect only because they convey illogical meanings. So, checking only for grammar errors is not sufficient for arriving at the correct answer. Determining which choice is the correct answer requires reading each version in its entirety to see whether what it conveys makes sense.

(A) Incorrect. This version is grammatically perfect. The plural subject “ostriches” agrees with the plural verb “are,” the plural pronoun “they” logically refers to the plural “ostriches,” and the rest of the sentence is free of grammar errors.

Notice, however, that this version conveys a nonsensical meaning.

The word “but” is used to communicate that two ideas connected by “but” contrast with each other, but in this case, the two ideas connected by “but” would never contrast with each other.

The two ideas connected by “but” are “Ostriches are able to run fast for very long distances” and “they are able to escape.” Of course, being able to run fast and being able to escape don’t contrast with each other. Instead, the fact that ostriches are able to run fast explains why they are able to escape. So, saying that ostriches are able to run fast “but” they are able to escape does not make sense.

(B) Incorrect. This version is clearly grammatically flawed. It starts off mentioning the plural “ostriches,” but then says, “it is able to escape.” The singular pronoun “it” cannot refer to the plural “ostriches.” So, “it” has nothing to refer to.

(C) Incorrect. This version is grammatically correct. However, by reading this version in its entirety, we can see that it conveys a meaning that does not make sense.

Since the word “to” indicates purpose, in the context of a sentence like this one, “to be able” means “for the purpose of being able.”

So, this version conveys the meaning “for the purpose of being able to run fast for very long distances, ostriches are able to escape.” Of course, that meaning does not make sense. Ostriches would not be able to escape in order to run fast for long distances. Rather, they would be able to run fast for long distances in order to be able to escape. So, this version conveys a meaning that is basically the reverse of what would make sense.

(D) Incorrect. This version is clearly grammatically flawed because the singular subject, “an ostrich,” does not agree with the plural verb “are.” We can more easily see the error by crossing off the wording between the subject and the verb.

An ostrich, able to run fast for very long distances, are able to escape

(E) Correct. This version is grammatically perfect. The singular subjects “it” and “ostrich” agree with the singular verb “is,” the singular pronoun “it” logically refers to the singular “ostrich,” and the rest of the sentence is free of grammar errors.

Furthermore, the meaning conveyed by this version makes sense.

So, we can see that this choice is the correct answer.

Answer: E

Notice that this Executive Assessment sample question is a Sentence Correction question. SC questions test our ability to spot mistakes in logic, meaning, grammar, and style in sentences.

One common mistake among test-takers is to attempt to use their “ears” when solving these questions. Because our ears often lead us astray when it comes to answering Sentence Correction questions, it’s better to approach these EA questions from a logic and critical reasoning perspective. 


Don’t rely on your “ear” to solve Sentence Correction questions. Instead, use logic, grammar knowledge, and critical reasoning skills.

Some Additional Executive Assessment Sample Verbal Questions

If you’d like to practice with some more Executive Assessment sample verbal questions, we’ve got some more ready for you.

Let’s now discuss the Integrated Reasoning portion of the EA.

Integrated Reasoning Questions on the Executive Assessment

In addition to the Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning sections, you’ll see an Integrated Reasoning (IR) section on the EA. Although the core skills tested in IR questions are similar to those tested on the quant and verbal sections, IR questions on the EA also test career-related skills. Those skills include analyzing charts and graphs, noticing patterns and relationships found in data sets, organizing data sets, and synthesizing information from multiple locations. 


Although the core skills tested in IR questions are similar to those tested on the quant and verbal sections, IR questions on the EA also test career-related skills.

On the EA, you’ll see 12 Integrated Reasoning questions that are split into four question categories:

  • Graphics Interpretation
  • Table Analysis
  • Two-Part Analysis
  • Multi-Source Reasoning

You’ll get better at IR questions through your preparation of the concepts, strategies, and skills tested in the quant and verbal sections. Nevertheless, you’d be wise to spend a portion of your EA study time preparing specifically for the Integrated Reasoning section of the Executive Assessment.


Although there is significant overlap between IR and the quant and verbal sections, you should spend a portion of your EA study time preparing specifically for the IR section.

Executive Assessment Sample Question PDF

The folks at GMAC, the company that owns and administers the Executive Assessment, have also provided some free EA sample test questions in the form of a PDF. These questions are part of the official prep offered by the GMAC.

If you’d like to practice with a few more EA sample questions, give the questions in this EA Sample Test Question PDF a try.

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